March 10, 2024 | Matthew 6:16-18

The discipline of fasting is enjoying a revival. Many people practice intermittent fasting or abstain from certain foods during the year. (I'm looking at you Dry January!) Fasting has always been woven deep into the Bible even including Jesus himself. In this only text where Jesus teaches on fasting, we find important lessons on how fasting can shape the heart and soul.


  1. Thank you for this wonderfully authentic depiction of fasting! I have a whole new way of understanding Jesus and fasting. I also researched Joel 2:13, “Render your hearts, not your garments.” Even though Joel conveyed repentance and remorse when the Jews would tear their clothing, it could help with fasting as well. I LOVE your podcasts!

    • Jan,

      Thanks for the feedback. We’ll be talking about different ways we can fast during the sermon.

      See you then.


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