Consider Gifts
During our holiday pause today, consider the gift of yourself that you can uniquely offer to others. Find a way to give it away with a generous spirit tomorrow. Redefine “Black Friday” as a day when you will lift someone…
Simple, short, and sweet text devotions or thoughts.
During our holiday pause today, consider the gift of yourself that you can uniquely offer to others. Find a way to give it away with a generous spirit tomorrow. Redefine “Black Friday” as a day when you will lift someone…
It is hard to imagine thanksgiving without thanking someone. We usually don’t thank “things” or circumstances. We thank people. Let us not take for granted the lovely fabric of community in both the known and the stranger. Thanksgiving does not…
Giving thanks invites us to look back in time for moments when generosity was directed toward us. Beyond being thankful, perhaps we might focus even more on creating moments of thanksgiving in the future. How are you creating thanksgiving for…
A heart full of gratitude reveals itself in a life full of generosity. Too often we practice generosity for short-sighted reasons. Dive deep into what you are truly thankful for and find the true joy of sharing.
The false stories we tell ourselves about shame, regret, and bitterness keep us from hearing the beautiful story God is telling through us. That story is one that can change everything.
The church is an embodiment of who we are. It is not some institution devoid of human touch. All of our criticisms of it must begin within each of us.
“Because the vocations of shepherds and teachers are appropriate for an established community, they are best characterized as being integrative and operative. They are natural integrators who help people with the assimilation of people and the information throughout the community.…
“Ethical leaders, therefore, are apostles of sensitiveness, transfigured and transforming actors who present themselves to the world as symbols and for instances of what is possible and hopeful.” – Walter Fluker, Ethical Leadership