
Mark 5:21-43 | June 30, 2024

Jesus' ministry of healing is not just limited to what people may ask of Him. Jesus brings a healing beyond everyone's expectations. The whole person matters to Jesus. It may cause us to wonder about how we pray for healing.…

February 18, 2024 | John 17:13-26

Many Christians feel that being Christian is a matter of agreement with certain truths or practices. Jesus calls his followers to something a bit different. Finding deep relationships with Jesus and others might be the key to experiencing the love…

August 27, 2023 – Hebrews 13:1-3

Many of us have heard of Philadelphia, the “City of Brotherly Love.” What if “Philadelphia” were a command given to all followers of Jesus? This week we a take a close look at how the Christian community is called to…

May 14, 2023 – John 14:15-21

We all obey others for a variety of reasons. Seldom do those reasons have to do with love. We are too often governed by power, guilt, shame, and control. Jesus offers a new way of being faithful which is by…

September 18, 2022 -Matthew 22:34-40 | Back to Basics: Love People

For the Christian, life is about healthy and powerful balance between loving God, self, and neighbor. It is hard to separate these three “loves” into separate things since they are all entwined. This week's episode explores how each part of…