

Peacemaking is not the same thing as fairness. A “fair” outcome is subjective depending on what side of a conflict we may ourselves. A better outcome is peace and reconciliation where relationships can be built and lives transformed in Christ.…


Purity in heart is about having a sense of integrity which informs our speech and actions. We each must learn the safety and skill needed to embrace authentic faith in Jesus. Fakers are increasingly easy to spot in a polarized…


Those filled with a sense of their own humility can better see the needs of others. Having a vision for righteousness and justice begins internally before it can find meaning outside of us. Taking positions is far too easy. Taking…


Humility is not holding oneself in poor esteem. An accurate understanding of one’s culture, position, experience, and privilege can open the door to new expressions of truth in Christ. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” –…

May 29, 2022-Acts 1:1-11 (Ascension C)

Too many religious people have their eyes set on heaven. Doing so keeps us from the work of compassion and justice that is needed in the world. When Jesus ascended, he promised that he would come again. Between these comings,…

May 22, 2022-Acts 16:9-15 (Easter 6C)

There are moments in our lives when we are seeking direction. We pray and ask God to show the way. What we often mean is, “God, show me everything and the result, then I will decide.” Being a follower of…

The Journey Continues

I recently shared that I would be retiring after 28 years of ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. My retirement will become effective on April 30, 2022 and will be officially approved at the Annual Conference this June. My…

May 15, 2022-Acts 11:1-18 (Easter 5C)

The religious rules we create often appear helpful to us at a moment in time. Even scriptures in the Bible are helpful in a particular moment when they are written. Over time customs change and cultures shift. How do adapt…

May 8, 2022-Acts 9:36-43 (Easter 4C)

When we hear a story about someone other than Jesus, our jaw may drop. In the Bible there are a total of four stories that describe someone being raised from the dead (besides Jesus.) Each one is unique, but each…