
December 12, 2021-Luke 3:7-18 (Advent 3-Year C)

The age of social media often invites us to make statements about politics, injustice, etc. Often we feel that the opinion we have on something equates with fruitful action about it. John the Baptist makes it clear in his witness…

On Gratitude

A heart full of gratitude reveals itself in a life full of generosity. Too often we practice generosity for short-sighted reasons. Dive deep into what you are truly thankful for and find the true joy of sharing.

On Stories

The false stories we tell ourselves about shame, regret, and bitterness keep us from hearing the beautiful story God is telling through us. That story is one that can change everything.

December 5, 2021-Luke 3:1-6 (Advent 2-Year C)

Religious people are often guilty of using religious jargon. Words that lack explanation or context. This week's episode explores four simply words that introduce the work of John the Baptist. Baptism. Repentance. Forgiveness. Sin. Each of these words are powerful…

November 28, 2021-Luke21:25-36 (Advent 1-Year C)

Often the stories of Jesus' second coming frighten us. We read of signs in the stars and chaos on the earth. Jesus's explanation of the coming reign and rule of God are not intended to offer us more anxiety and…

November 7, 2021-Revelation 21:1-6a (All Saints Sunday)

During these days of pandemic and polarity, many people have taken “hope” into their own hands. This week's episode opens up the Book of Revelation and points to the true hope we can all have. God is moving and at…

October 31, 2021-Mark 12:28-34 (Pentecost 23-Year B)

Naming the most important truth of faith is hard to do. Jesus' words in Mark 12 make clear what that truth must be for Christians. Our most important truth is love. Beyond being in love, Jesus calls us to embody…

October 24, 2021-Job 42:1-6, 10-17 (Pentecost 22 -Year B)

It is one thing to get answer you may not want. It is another to learn that you have been asking the wrong question. Our obsession with explaining why one person is “blessed” and another is not, reveals our own…

October 17, 2021-Job 38:1-7, 24-41 (Pentecost 21 -Year B)

Our longing for justice from God can be wrongly motivated. We want justice for others but sometimes. not ourselves. In this week's episode, we come face to face with the God of justice. Instead of wielding the gavel, this God…

October 10, 2021-Job 23 (Pentecost 20-Year B)

We have a heightened sense of justice these days. Knowing what is fair and not fair are closely held virtues for every human being. Often our sense of justice is uninformed and lacks nuance. We are eager to see black…