
Ecclesiastes 12 | September 1, 2024

What matters in life? In many ways, the book of Ecclesiastes exists to tell us what DOES NOT matter in life. The closing chapter of Ecclesiastes invites us to wonder about the right kind of question we need to ask…

Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 | August 25, 2024

You have likely heard someone say, “We are waiting until just the right time.” You may have also heard someone say, “Here today and gone tomorrow.” Opportunity seems to strike at a time when we are not always ready for…

Ecclesiastes 9:7-12 | August 18, 2024

Enjoying life can be difficult for some. There are many who hold a sense of guilt, obligation, or some other duty which keeps them from experiencing the enjoyment of life today. Being too goal-driven can lead us far away from…

Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 | August 11, 2024

Talking about death is hard. Most of us steer clear of the topic and only touch upon it when required. Is there wisdom for us to gain in a conversation about dying? Is there a good death? What lessons can…

Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 | August 4, 2024

Joy is less of an emotion and more of a choice. When we choose to live our life only for ourselves and those who benefit us, we find ourselves in an endless cycle of greed. It is a joyless way…

Ecclesiastes 4:7-16 | July 28, 2024

The choice to be together or “go it alone” is one we face now more than ever. The isolation of pandemic may have led us to believe that isolation is better for us. God's wisdom is filled with encouragement to…

Ecclesiastes 3:1-10 | July 21, 2024

We have all had the “time of our life” or “killing time.” Knowing that there are times and seasons in our lives should not surprise us. It is part of being human. How will we hold the time we are…

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 | July 7, 2024

The Book of Ecclesiastes is not a book we read too often. Its darker and more cynical wisdom sounds just a little too dreary. What this book offers us is a realistic view of the world we live in whether…

Mark 5:21-43 | June 30, 2024

Jesus' ministry of healing is not just limited to what people may ask of Him. Jesus brings a healing beyond everyone's expectations. The whole person matters to Jesus. It may cause us to wonder about how we pray for healing.…

Luke 12:22-24 | June 23, 2024

Jesus' teaching on money is hard for the 21st century Christian to hear. Much of our culture is focused on getting and having enough. Worry about financial security continues to confront families in poverty and in wealth. In this sense,…