
August 6, 2023 – Acts 1:1-8

Jesus' final words to his followers before his ascension are important to hear today. Jesus is seeking to enlarge their vision. Their perspective is to keep things conventional and simple. Jesus invites them to see that the mission is one…

July 30, 2023 – Acts 10:23-35

God is always at work building bridges and helping reconciliation to happen. This work of God can be disturbing to us at times! It is through these new relationships that God helps everyone breakthrough to a new perspective. God's best…

July 16, 2023 – Revelation 5:6-14

If God is at the center of all things, how we find a way to live like that is true? Making space to respond to God is often driven by our deep needs which at times can be broken and…

July 9, 2023 – Revelation 4

Power and authority are sought after today as much as it has even been. Two thousand years ago, Roman Emperors demanded that they be addressed as, “the Lord God, the Almighty,” John's vision of the heavenly world in Revelation 4…

July 2, 2023 – Revelation 1:9-17a

Worship is one of the most important acts any Christian can do. In worship, we offer thanks to God for everything in life. Worship is also a place where God speaks to us and gathers us in. The Apocalypse of…

June 25, 2023 – Genesis 22:1-14

When we do what God asks of us, it can be filled with a sense of fear and doubt. When Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, his response filled with faith. In one of the most shocking and brutal…

June 18, 2023 – Exodus 19:2-9

Being a dynamic follower of Jesus is not about doing great things or being perceived as spiritual. God is the one who does all of the heavy lifting. What we must do is cooperate with what God's Spirit is doing…

June 11, 2023 – Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26

Religious people, Christians included, spend quite a bit of time and resources deciding who is “in” and who is “out.” In these three stories from Matthew 9, we find a Jesus who welcomes and engages with some of the least…

June 4, 2023 – Acts 2:37-47

The earliest days of the Christian movement were ones filled with awe and wonder. Churches have been trying to return to this “feel” for centuries. Sometimes we get it dialed in and other times we are just a little lost.…

May 28, 2023 – Acts 2:1-21

The beginnings of the church are not something clouded in secrecy and closed doors. The movement of God is public and open. God is openly at work in the lives of human beings. As a mission movement, Christians would do…