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Luke 21:25-36 | December 1, 2024

The second coming of Jesus is surrounded by such controversy and disagreement which makes it hard to even talk about without a debate. If we simply set aside some finer (perhaps petty) details, we can find a certain hope for…

John 18:33-38 | November 24, 2024

“The truth is out there”, was the slogan of the popular TV show, The X-Files. The truth in the case of this week's passage is the source of disagreement between Pilate and Jesus. Pilate believes that the truth is a…

John 14:1-7 | November 17, 2024

Jesus speaks a word of peace and grace in the midst of troubling times. Conflicts seem near and far today as they were in Jesus' time. The fact that He is, “the way, and the truth, and the life” gives…

John 15:1-11 | November 10, 2024

At the center of Christian living is Jesus, our source and giver of life. As Jesus prepared his followers for his death and resurrection, he makes clear that a connection with him is vital for their lives. We, too, must…

November 3, 2024 | John 11:32-44

People of faith often talk about how they are different or transformed because of their faith. When times of testing come, however, that faith may not be as important as it seems. This is especially true when we face death.…

John 9:1-12 | October 27, 2024

When something amazing happens, we often first ask how it happened. During a difficult season for us or others, we often ask what caused things to be this way. What gets lost here is caring in the moment. In this…

John 10:7-16 | October 20, 2024

Feeling and knowing we are safe is important. When this is true, we have confidence to live in new ways. Jesus makes it clear to his disciples that they have this through his death and resurrection. This week's episode highlights…

Luke 7:1-17 | October 13, 2024

One never knows where faith will be found. Sometimes we find it unexpectedly present and other times we must bring a faith where there is none. Either way, we can have confidence that God is doing a new work. This…

Matthew 10:16-23 | October 6, 2024

As 21st century American Christians, it is hard to relate to being a persecuted Christian. Jesus tells us that we are being sent out like, “lambs in the midst of wolves.” What chance do Christians have in a hostile world?…

Genesis 12:1-8 | September 8, 2024

The people of God have always been on the move. Since the days of Abram, God invites people to look outward rather than just inward. All of this is still a choice. Like Abram had to decide to “go”, so…