John 20:1-18 | March 31, 2024

The story of Jesus' resurrection is filled with many different emotions. There is joy, wonder, confusion, and even fear present in this story. What emerges by the end of this text is a beautiful sense of hope which emerges in the presence of the risen Jesus. That same hope can be ours today!


  1. Wonderful podcast! Thank you so much!
    You state our faith is not in a book, i.e., the Bible. Yes, my faith is grounded in the Living Lord, and also is the Living Word of the Bible that teaches me how to love Jesus. Just a thought.

    Did you catch my comments in your “fasting” podcast?

    • Jan,

      I did respond to your comments on the fasting podcast here. I do not think it sends an email to you when I respond. You would need to look at the comment thread where you originally posted to see my reply.

      It is a blessing to know that the podcast for this week what helpful. The issue I raised in the podcast is about where our faith is located. Your sentence, “My faith is also…the Living Word of the Bible that teaches me how to love Jesus”, raises the question for me. I wonder if it is more that the Lord is teaching me through the Bible than “the Bible that teaches me…” I am not certain the Bible itself teaches anything. The Holy Spirit speaking to us when we read it is. From my perspective I try to avoid attributing something to the Bible which is actually God’s work. the Bible may be the medium, but the Lord is the only teacher.


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