July 30, 2023 – Acts 10:23-35

God is always at work building bridges and helping reconciliation to happen. This work of God can be disturbing to us at times! It is through these new relationships that God helps everyone breakthrough to a new perspective. God's best work happens in the moments when we trust the outcome to Him.


  1. I need some further understanding on your statement that “there is no text in Jewish scripture saying it is forbidden for a Jewish man to associate with a foreigner.” Didn’t God forbid the Jews just coming out of Egypt slavery not to associate or marry foreigners in Canaan?
    Thanks Craig.

    • Jan-
      Part of Jewish custom in Peter’s day was that no Jewish person could enter the house of a Gentile, much less eat with them. There is no such commandment in Jewish Law. This is an added tradition. While it mau have basis in Jewish Law, it is my no means explicit. Peter must weigh his commitment to Jewish tradition/law against his call to go to Cornelius.

      Thanks for the good questions!

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