April 28, 2024 | Esther 7
The story of Esther is a gripping tale of conspiracy, intrigue, and integrity. Here we find a great hero in Esther, who defies all constraints placed upon her. She is the agent of God's justice where evil is exposed. She…
The story of Esther is a gripping tale of conspiracy, intrigue, and integrity. Here we find a great hero in Esther, who defies all constraints placed upon her. She is the agent of God's justice where evil is exposed. She…
Purity in heart is about having a sense of integrity which informs our speech and actions. We each must learn the safety and skill needed to embrace authentic faith in Jesus. Fakers are increasingly easy to spot in a polarized…
We all respond to life's obstacles in different ways. Sometimes we press forward with stubbornness and other times we bend just a little to get along with everyone. Jesus offers us a different path. Here we find a Jesus intent…
Sometimes our own exceptions of what we want from others and even from God can keep us stuck. This is true for Jesus' visit to his hometown of Nazareth. When confronted with their privilege and expectations, the Nazarene's have tables…
The light of Christ brings clarity for introspection, awareness of our calling, and vision to see the deep needs all around us. The virtue of integrity through God’s Spirit allows us to hold all three of these together at the…
We often use words to convey ideas, persuade others, or influence situations. Too may times our words focus on what we might wish or want to be true. Jesus offers something quite different as he begins his ministry. He makes…