
April 10, 2022-Luke 19:28-40 (Palm Sunday C)

The world of the 21st century is filled with empire, power, and politics. This world is not too unlike the world of Jesus so long ago. Jesus' entrance into the great city of Jerusalem is an entrance of a the…

December 25, 2021-Luke 2:1-14 (Nativity C)

The birth of Jesus is a collision between the powerful and powerless. Like so many other occasions, the grace of God is revealed at the margins or the edges. Jesus' with happens in a small town, in a single family…

October 17, 2021-Job 38:1-7, 24-41 (Pentecost 21 -Year B)

Our longing for justice from God can be wrongly motivated. We want justice for others but sometimes. not ourselves. In this week's episode, we come face to face with the God of justice. Instead of wielding the gavel, this God…

Passages Podcast Cover Art

June 20, 2021-1 Samuel 17:32-49 (Pentecost 4-Year B)

The story of David and Goliath is one of the most renowned children's stories in the Bible. When these rich stories are read only with a child's perspective some of the deeper meanings about power, faith, and stewardship are lost.…

Passages Podcast Cover Art

June 13, 2021-1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 (Pentecost 3-Year B)

This episode focuses on the pivotal moment when David was selected to be the new King of Israel following the reign of Saul. While David may appear to be the center of this story, it is actually God's vision, power,…

Passages Podcast Cover Art

June 6, 2021-1 Samuel 8:4-18 (Pentecost 2-Year B)

This week's episode kicks off a seven week series on the leadership of Samuel, Saul and David from the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. The elders of Israel come to Samuel, the last judge, imploring him to anoint a…